All through my career, I have worked at prints, etchings, lithos, silkscreens, linocut and woodcuts,
‘The light withIN’. Woodcut. 17”x47 1/2”. 2022
‘COVID Ganga’. Linocut. 15” x 12” 2021.
‘Moon being Being Moon’, Etching, aquatint and sugar lift. 18”x 26’ 2019.
Catching the Moon in the water. Etching, aquatint and sugar lift, 18”x 26” 2019.
Through Many Moons, Silkscreen, 27”x 40”, 2019
Boat Set
‘Drifting back’ Etching 12.5” X 10”, 2015
‘Tide’ Etching. 9”x12”. 2016.
‘Boat ride’Etching. 9”X12”. 2016
'Vortex'. Sugarlift. 9"x12". 2018.
'Ducks and boats'. Sugarlift. 9"x12". 2018.
'Birds and boats'. Sugarlift. 9"x12". 2018.
Red hill eveing,Etching. 9"X12" 2016.
'Boats at night'. Poly plate and Etching. 9"X12" 2016.
'Golden Hills'. Etching. 9"X12" 2016.
A PARTners is a portfolio of twenty color etchings in a limited edition of 20 prints.
"In 2011, I returned to a set of unfinished etchings as a way to begin new work following my husband’s death. Reworking the old prints, I could enter the past and touch the energy of a past time. The prints evolved into a portfolio, each image in two incarnations: into the expected and the unimaginable, in the glow of hope and the throes of despair. All year, asleep and awake, I had examined the past, reliving the whys and why-not’s of events. I had stood at the fine line between decisions, indecisions, chance and the leaps of faith we take all the time to live our lives. The two prints that emerged are partners, holding hands as the future unfolds. The recurrent image in these prints is of liquids: rain, river, fluids and water creatures. Rain became an apt metaphor for grief -- an uncontrollable outpouring, but also a cleansing and rejuvenating catalyst for renewal.
APARTners. Night rain. Color etching. 5"X6". 2012.
APARTners. Morning rain. Color etching. 5"X6". 2012.
APARTners. Night stars. Color etching. 6"x 5". 2012.
APARTners. Morning stars. Color etching. 6"x 5". 2012.
APARTners. Buoyant 1. Color etching. 5"X6". 2012.
APARTners. Buoyant 2. Color etching. 5"X6". 2012.
APARTners. Rain river loop Color etching. 5"x 6". 2012.
APARTners. Rainriver loop 2. Color etching. 5"x 6". 2012.
APARTners. Red Rain 1. Color etching. 6".X 5" 2012.
APARTners. Red rain 2. Color etching. 6".X 5" 2012.
APARTners. Sacs. Color etching. 6"x 5". 2012.
APARTners. Sacs 2. Color etching. 6"x 5". 2012.
APARTners. Dense rain. Color etching. 6" X 5". 2012.
APARTners. Dense rain 2. Color etching. 6"x 5". 2012.
APARTners. Foliage. Color etching. 6"x 5". 2012.
APARTners. Foliage 2. Color etching. 6"x 5". 2012.
APARTners. Steps. Color etching. 6"x 5". 2012.
APARTners. Steps 2. Color etching. 6"x 5". 2012.
APARTners. Water Snake. Color etching. 6"x 5". 2012.
APARTners. Watersnake 2. Color etching. 6"x 5". 2012.